First Baptist Arlington Sermons

Dennis R. Wiles 
First Baptist Arlington 
October 6, 2024 
FALL 2024 
Together . . . for the Future 
September 1 – November 2, 2024 
Preaching Voice: Shepherd 
Detoured by Distractions 
Nehemiah 6:1-16 
Theme for 2024: Together 
Theme for Fall 2024: Together . . . for the Future 
Lessons for Re-Building (or Building) 
-Kneeology: We must begin with prayer! 
-You Are Here: We must accept an honest assessment! 
-Planning and Zoning: Make a plan and get to work! 
-Overcoming Obstacles: Obstacles can be overcome! 
CONTEXT: Nehemiah had led the people in the great re-building project of the reconstruction of the wall around Jerusalem and the installation of the gates in the wall. Nehemiah 6 records the potential distractions faced by Nehemiah and his dismissal of them to continue his tireless focus on the work. And ---- the wall was finally completed! 
FEAR – The re-building journey is often fraught with fear. We can move past our fears! 
FOCUS – It is easy to have our attention diverted when we are re-building. Sometimes, we have to intentionally re-focus our attention to the task at hand. 
FRUSTRATION – Re-building is not easy! Sometimes we are frustrated by what we deem to be lack of progress. We must move past our frustrations to keep progressing. 
FAILURE – There may be minor setbacks and “failures” along the way. We can’t be deterred by a less than perfect journey. 
FAITH – God is an expert at renovation, re-construction, restoration, and re-building. Let’s keep our eyes on Him and trust Him for His provision as we keep re-building. 

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