Run With It

Validating a new podcast idea can be overwhelming. Listen to Mubashar Iqbal describe a business idea that helps aspiring podcasters test the waters before launching.

Show Notes


  • If you’re not a developer, you can build the MVP without writing code using tools such as Makerpad
  • If you’re a developer, you can build an MVP for this idea in a weekend!
  • If you’re a non-technical founder searching for a co-founder, outline the value you’ll be providing the team when pitching technical folks to join

Action Steps:

  1. Build an MVP of this service (use “no code” tools or search for a cofounder if you’re not a developer)
  2. Brainstorm affiliate marketing opportunities and incorporate affiliate links in initial version
Follow through on these action steps and email us your results at You'll get exclusive access to a private Facebook group of action takers and one listener will earn a free mentorship call with our guest, and potentially, a business partnership.


Pod Hunt
Indie Hackers

Mubashar Iqbal (Mubs) loves making things and has been since he was 8 years old. He’s made so many things the he was selected as ProductHunt's maker of the year for 2016, runner up in 2015 and 2017. Recently he's been trying to help others make more. He's also the founder of Pod Hunt, a daily curation of the best new podcasts.

🎙️ Podcast hosting provided by Transistor. Want to start your own podcast? Get 15% off your first year by going to

What is Run With It?

Need a business idea? Run With It shares unused business ideas from successful entrepreneurs, including the exact steps they would take to launch them. If you're looking for a ready-made business idea, proven founders are sharing them every week on Run With It.