
In the future Everyone will be equal.... but some people will be more equal than others.

Show Notes

Speaker 0 (0s): Welcome back everybody. Thursday 

Speaker 1 (19s): It's Thursday where does the time go? Well, it flies when you're having fun. Time flies, time drags, I guess it depends on how you define time. Are you having the time of your life? What time? 

What do you mean by the time of my life at the time? Are you having a good time? Well, not having a bad time. Who's time. Is it? If I'm hear in your hair, it does that make it our time. Remember that line from fast times at Ridgemont high, when Jeff Spicoli orders that pizza, the teacher gets all mad and he's like, how dare you order this pizza on my time? And Jeff Spicoli says, well, if you're here and I'm here, does that make it our time? 

Nothing wrong with a little pizza on our time. Amazing how that is. Isn't it. When the smartest kid in, when the smartest kid in school in the seventies was a stoner surfer, the only one thinking critically and they make him out to be the dummy. Amazing. It's a good segue. It's a good segue into something I've been thinking about lately. 

And that is the art of subversion. You know what that is? You can call it Deanna fighting without fighting. A lot of times we hear things like, Oh, that was very subversive. Or we hear about subversive tactics. Oh yes. My friend subversion subversion is a subtle way of making radical change. 

Proud of what I've created. It was radical. It does that make sense? If you want to create change a radical change, a radical change, you can be proud of proud of what I'm creating. It was radical is the best way to do that is like the boiling frog. Don't get me wrong. If you wanted to do radical change and you have the means, you have coercive power. You could bring in a military, Assassinate the leader in change the country that can happen. 

And it does happen all the time. However, when you think of subversion, I want you to think of martial arts. Think about if someone much bigger than you is going to throw a punch and they're you are, and there's this giant of a man are this giant, have a woman and their getting ready to punch you right in the face. If your a small person, you can't absorb to many of those blows out, but what you could do, if you trained hard, you could be conscious of the type of punch they're going to throw. 

And when they throw that punch, you could lean back out of the way. And then as they go to punch you, as hard as they can, you lean back and you grab their arm and you pull their arm in the direction in which they are punching you, help them throw that punch. And that will use their momentum against them. I remember once when I was a young man and I was wrestling, I went and I wrestled this giant of a man who was probably 20 pounds heavier than me. 

And he was just, he looks like one big, giant muscle. And because I had wrestled for so long, I knew that this guy relied on his strength. And so we were wrestling and I you tie up and you and I pushed into him really quick, as hard as I could. I had my hand on his head and is hand on his right arm, were all tied up. And I shoved all my weight quickly into him. And what the laws of nature say, what for every action, there's a reaction. 

And, and as I pushed him, he pushed back as hard as he could. And, and that moment snap, I threw him right over on my shoulders, just a head in arm. I used his momentum to throw him over my body, that same tactic of a quick setup, and then using momentum against a larger enemy is the methodology of subversion that I want to talk about. Now, if you look around our country, if you look at what's happening, you can see the years of subversion flowering. 

What you're seeing on the streets today is not something that's happened or is the result of something that's happened over the last four years or eight years. It's more likely the result of something that's happened over the last 20 years or 30 years. 

Speaker 0 (5m 58s): You see the very foundation of subversion comes from undermining. That cohesiveness the values that keep a community together. Let me give you an example of, of what I'm talking about, which one have you elected CNN, which is one of you are elected Fox news, which is one of you elected or any of the media to be the people in charge of informing us, which one of you elected the New York times? 

Which one of you elected Walter Cronkite? Which one have you elected Pierce Morgan, Ben Shapiro, Rachel Maddow, Tucker Carlson. Which one do you knuckleheads is responsible for electing those dummies zero. None of you are, that was inflicted upon us over the last 30 or 40 years, the rules of media have changed. 

We have gone from being, we have gone from our media as a message to inform us as a medium of information, to a medium of indoctrination 

Speaker 2 (7m 38s): Information, indoctrination subjugation. 

Speaker 0 (7m 45s): And it's a slow burn. It's a slow burn. Mr. Smith goes to Washington. No, there was one. Remember the guy from Mayberry, the Andy Griffith show up. Remember that his dad was a cop. 

He's a good guy. Remember that one? The cops or the good guys. And they arrested the criminals. They were keeping people safe. That's what cops did. They were there to protect and serve slowly, very slowly. Throughout Hollywood throughout the media, cops became the bad guys. All of a sudden the criminal wasn't this person that was hurting people. 

The criminal was a victim and the cop became a pig. The cop became the untrustworthy power, abusive knucklehead, and the criminal became a victim of culture of victim of society. You just got a bunch of bad brakes because the environment sucks for me as a man in his forties. The pivotal moment in that was that movie. 

Color's you remember that? I think it was Robert DeNiro and Jeff Spicoli. I know that's not his name. I forgot his name was that guy's name. C'mon you guys know is name the guy that bangs all of the hot chicks. He went and got a jeez. Remember you went down, went and got El Chapo. You played a Harvey milk. 

Jeff Spicoli. You remember him? Mary Madonna. I can't think of the guy's name, man. Anyway, it is not important. But the movie colors, I was one of the first movies where they really showed the abusiveness of cops in a Hollywood setting. And if you look at the, the slow burn of cultural inversion, you can see it play out on the movies, right? 

We've seen cops go from good guys and bad guys. And along with that, we've seen real time footage of cops being bad guys in the real world, right? That's whatever a cop does, something horrible. It's filmed and put on T V and blasted out to millions of people. What about the cot that pulls you over and is like, Hey, dummy, how come you were speeding back there? 

And you're like, Oh sir, you know what? I apologize. I a Oh, is out of control. And he goes Yeah you were out of control. Don't let it happen again. All right, I'm gonna let you off with a warning. How come that guys not on TV, about the cop, that brakes up. Some thoughts from beaten up a harmless kid. How come that guy's not on TV? There's a reason there's an agenda there. 

The ridicule of religion, regardless of what you think of religion. Religion is a foundation on which morality, community and compromise is built on it. Once you pull out that foundation, the, the floor's the top floors of community in cooperation consideration are come down with that. 

If you pull out the foundation of a building, you got tower seven, right? These are all examples of inversion. Everything that was good is now a bad. The founding fathers thinks about that. The term founding fathers, founding fathers, the constitution, we, the people in order to create a more perfect union. 

We've got our bill of rights, freedom of speech, freedom to assemble. These were all good things. These were things that were debated and lobbied and bandied back and forth with long arguments from, and these were supposed to be the elements of freedom. And they were good things in today's world. 

Speech is a problem. It's got to be censored freedom to, to assemble. You can assemble in the protest zone far away from the event that's happening. The founding fathers statues are being torn down, and you can argue that when those statues are torn down, the reminders of what those people went through are torn down. 

It seems eerily timely to me. On one hand, I can agree 100% with the statues of glorifying slavery being torn down on one hand, I get it on another hand, when you tear down that statue, don't you also tear down the reminder of what happened to you. 

It's almost like what if I want to enslave a bunch of people I'm going to tear down everything that reminds them of slavery. I don't want them to know. I don't want them to have this statue that they hate. And they, whenever they see it, they think about being oppressed because it makes it more difficult for me to come in and oppress him. 

Subversion inversion. They make me think about equality. What the f**k is Equality it's such a great word, but most people use it in a way that is defined differently than someone else uses it. Again. If were going to talk about things, we should define our terms. I would like to present to you a new definition of Equality or I think what the proper definition of it Equality is Equality is an opportunity for unequal people to have a chance at moving forward, depending on who's best suitable Equality is an opportunity for people who are unequal. 

You can't just say, this person looks like this. Therefore they should be in charge. And the only way a person should get to be in charge is by demonstrating their ability to be successful. And that usually comes from experience. What we're seeing now is the consequences of poorly executed idealistic ideas about Equality. 

There is no Equality in the sense that were all the same were not, were not the same. That's called the noble lie. Hey were all born in the way. 

Speaker 3 (17m 3s): Is that a joke? Or what are you saying when you're a smart lady? You tell me yeah. Was a joke. Yes, because it's so absurd. But when you got, you know, when you got to a highly evolved brain No 

Speaker 0 (17m 13s): Were not, not by a long shot. Some people are tall and stupid. Other people are short, blonde haired, and very clever, very handsome. Some people wear this color. Some people wear that color. Some people are fast. So people that are skinny were not equal. We are not equal. And you can go look on any playground, not in today's world. 

You can't Cause know, schools are open that you can go look on any playground in any school. There's always a fat kid that they picked last. Let's never going to change. You can for somebody to pick the fat kid First but it doesn't make that fat kid equal to the kid who has the ability to be an athletic superstar. Just Cause you say something is true. 

Does not make it. So we're all equal. Nope, no, we're not that guys fat and lazy. And this guy's an a*****e. This guy is really shy. This guy was really smart, but he's lazy. This guy is a racist. This guy hates that. You know what I mean? We're not equal, not even close, not even close. 

So how do you create a better society where you give opportunity? Let's talk about another form of subversion use to the media. Multinational corporations. Look at our societies, grotesque relationship with consumption. 

Everybody knows that in the United States, we have an obesity epidemic. Why is that? Is that because people that are lazy because people are stupid. No it's because the level of propaganda about consumption is rampant. How many, how many commercials for a new cars? Do you see how many commercials for a designer handbags, how many commercials for by this, by this thing, hurry, you, you got to buy it right now. 

Hurry, going to buy. It is on sale. The more you spend, the more you save, you can, as long as you stay away from the crack, which I think is a pretty good advice, unless you can manage just socially it's s**t like that. That is the cancer upon our society and is encouraged. Not only isn't encouraged, but its put on a pedestal. Whoever said you can't Polish. A turd has never seen the American system of consumption. 

Look around your house. How much s**t you have in your house? You don't need. I was at the other day at this weekend, I woke up at my house and I was making breakfast for my, for my girls. And I just looked around all this s**t, all of these f*****g plastic toys, all of these f*****g things. I never used them. I've got a subscription service too, a, a box of art and a box of projects that comes to my house and its pretty cool. 

Don't get it wrong. I like it. And there's all these cool things. You can do all these science experiments and stuff. But yesterday I noticed all of these boxes of projects, just f*****g laying around. Most of them like 70% used. Do you see the only innovation that's happened in our community in the last few years is the ability to innovate more consumption. And that's what all we're a society is based on it. 

That's how we base our self worth. That's how we base ourselves in the American cast system is how much do you have? Look at my g*****n giant house. I got f*****g nine cars or a cargo. Roger. And you only got to see this. Don't get me wrong. That stuff's awesome. I've seen some beautiful houses. I see some beautiful cars and like it makes me want them. I want to have that stuff. 

But do you need that stuff? Probably not. It's nice to have. Don't get me wrong. Everybody wants to have more. But if you think about that for a minute, what kind of mindset is that? What kind of mindset is that? Does that reinforce the values of this coming? 

Great reset. Is that why we are having this color revolution in our country right now so that we can change the mindset of the youth to reconfigure and reevaluate morality and their values. I want to believe that. However, that's not how it works out. Usually what happens is when there's a great revolution, when you see what's happening in our country, it seems new to us. 

However you need look no further than Afganistan. You need look no further than a IRAK. You need look no further than Albania or Ukraine. What's happening in these countries is what's happening in our country. And regardless of the flowery Reddick, regardless of the flowery rhetoric about making 

Speaker 1 (23m 47s): The world a better place I see to you, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Is that really what's going to happen? Is that what happened in Venezuela? Is that what happened in Afghanistan to things get better? Their, how about Iran? How about Iraq? Did things get better there? After we liberate of them? 

Will things be better? And our country, once we have freed ourselves have these g*****n white demons, he is white devils is going to be better. No look, things aren't perfect right now. But I can tell you this, whenever there's subversive patterns of revolution, whatever people are forced into the group identities, whatever people are forced into ideology, there's massacres, there's massacres. 

There's a mass occurs. There's a, there's a lot of interesting things out right now. And I know people don't like conspiracy theories are there are easily dismissed. However, if you get an opportunity, there's a young woman named Whitney Webb, w E B B. She has got a lot of videos out on different ideas of what's happening. Now she's an independent journalist and she's done quite a bit of investigations into our government and to the democratic party into the Republican party. 

And her analysis is that regardless of who wins, the outcome will be the same. No black cat white cat. It still catches. Mice is this illusion of freedom. Its this illusion of participating in choosing a leader. You think you have choice. You don't say you say you take the Trump team of nationalism or are you take the democratic team of socialism. 

Want to give you the Nazi party, national socialist. You see both camps end up in the same area. All you have is the choice of choosing what color of the uniform of the oppressor is. You want it to be red or you want them to be blue. That's all you're going to get. And that is where we're headed to. 

We are running full speed into a world that none of us have ever seen. Do you think it's any coincidence that the infrastructure of five G is being rammed through without any testing in all the big cities and distance learning for children of all ages is being implemented. Do you think that's a coincidence? 

No. It's the new normal your kids going to learn from home and that's why you need 5g. I'm not saying COVID as a disease does not exist, but I am saying that it does not exist the way we're being told. I think that come election time, you're going to see a new world, a new set of rules, new normal, the riot and the Street's right now we are being funded. 

Do you understand that the people that are rioting are being given money by someone or a group of people or a foundation, it's not a spontaneous set of events. If you want to know what's happening in our country, then look around the rest of the world and look at it from their point of view. Our not the students protesting in Taiwan against China. 

The same as the BLM movement, protein protesting, you get our government hear in the USA. What about the Boston dynamics? Robots, the robot dog's and the Singapore enforcing social distancing. Is that not a technology being tried there? So it can be brought everywhere. How about the censorship in Australia? 

Is that also not a form of, is that not a social experiment that can be brought over here? What we're seeing right now is unprecedented it as a form of social experimentation on some levels. 

I want to agree with it. Like what if your social credit score? Let's say we have this so-called draconian social credit score on a scale from one to five, four, three meeting. You can travel anything less than three, meaning you can't. If you have a social score of one or two, you can't even participate. And if your friends with somebody that has a one or two social score, all your social media friends would know it could pop up on other people's phones where they can use these tactics of social influence to Mark individuals as social dissidents. 

Right? So if you have a social credit score, although a social credit score, does that mean you don't get you're your universal basic income? Could it be that it could be? How much can you influence if you control people's money? I mean, we already control people's money. Imagine having a digital wall that were, if you said something negative about the government or your work than you would get your fund's cut off and sounds pretty horrible. Right and if you want to do like a really interesting experiment, look up your social score. 

Right now I did, there was this guy at my work. His guy was a real donkey. He came from the mainland. He just was, and he was the most arrogant condescending a*****e that I had seen in a long time. And let me tell you why that's scary to me. It's scary to me because the negative things you see in other people are the things you hate about your self. So maybe by me seeing this negative condescending piece of s**t, maybe that's the world telling me, Hey, George your a negative condescending piece of s**t. 

That's kind of scary to think about, but if you can see the negative and other people, its a wise idea to understand that maybe those are the negative things about you. However, let's play out this whole social score thing on some levels I'm I'm with it. And it's scary to think about, however, do you think there should be a test? What if your social score must be above four for you to have kids? What if every five years you have to go in front of a panel 

Speaker 4 (32m 40s): Of people to prove to them and a society that you are worth being here and you're worthy of having kids that you will be a good parent. Yeah, it was staying hanging around with. Yes <inaudible> and that's based on your past experiences. What if you had to go in front of a panel to prove that you deserve to be on the earth for another 10 years, what have you done to make this a better place? 

Are you worth being here on some levels? It might make the world a better place. However, it's important to factor in the human corruption factor who gets to decide that, then we get back to the argument of the greater good. Is there anyone capable of judging another person on that level? I don't know that there is, I don't know that there is, it reminds me of a story. 

There's these two guys and their out at sea and they've been out for so long. Their boat got damaged and their radio's damaged. They have been gone by like a month and all of a sudden they both pass out when they wake up that our boat has landed on this Island and is a strange, I mean, there's all these strange plant's and all these strange animals. So they wake up and they'd get off their boat. And they walk into this town that looks kinda like somewhere where they came from. 

But not quite. They walk into a restaurant and they sit down and everyone speaks the same language and they order some drinks. They are talking, trying to figure out where they are. None of them understand this strange place. All the people are the same and everything looks similar, but they just can't put their finger on it. And as they're talking there, looking at their surroundings, everything in this restaurant is perfect. People are using perfect English. 

The menu's they ordered from are written immaculate. They ordered some food and it has the most delicious food. Everything is perfect. And its beginning to really make them freak out a little bit. Cause everything is way too perfect. And as they are noticing this, just the absolute perfection of everything they notice a waitress comes by and she slips and almost loser tray may have five water's and one cup on the tray falls over and spills onto the train and on the ground. 

And the entirety of the room stops. All of the conversation goes dead quiet and everybody gets up and they rushed that girl and they beat her and they killed her until she's dead. Then they holler, Bodhi out, throw out in the back in the garbage, these two guys or like what the f**k just happened there. Stunned. After, after the entire patrons throw the gun, girl's dead body out the outcome back in and they take up like nothing happened. 

Like it was nothing. Okay. One of the castaways leans over the table and says, excuse me, sir, we are not from here. What was that? And the guy who the local looks at them and he goes, Oh you are from your area. He goes, Well on this Island. We don't tolerate that. And the Castaway says, what is we don't tolerate? 

Mistake's you saw that the girl dropped the water. That's a mistake. You die for that. And a cat. It was like, well that's barbaric. And the local says, no, no, its that's the price for perfection. The local says Whoo what about our family is going to be some retaliation? How can their, how can you just kill someone? So without any remorse and without even thinking about it and not have to worry about the repercussions or consequences of taking someone's life. 

And the local says, those are the rules. Those are the rules. Everyone here abides by those rules were made by our leader and we follow those rules. As long as the rules are in place, the system works perfect. It breeds perfection. Not only does it breed perfection, but it's the simplicity that makes it beautiful. We have only this one rule do not make a mistake. If you make a mistake and we see it and we find out we kill you. 

It's very simple. It's a very beautiful, and it's an elegant solution to all the problems. Don't f**k up the Castaway. So as well, how, how did this happen? How, how did it get like this? And he goes, Oh well in the center of our town, there's a castle. And in that castle resides the great Lord that leaves us. And he made that rule and the Castaway says, well, it's a like it's, 

Speaker 1 (38m 36s): It's unrealistic. It's unrealizable I should go and talk to this guy in the local says Yeah you know what we do? 

Speaker 4 (38m 46s): We have no rules. 

Speaker 1 (38m 48s): It was except to be perfect. If you want to go talk to him, 

Speaker 4 (38m 50s): Go ahead. 

Speaker 1 (38m 52s): So the, to castaways, they pay they're stuff and they walk out and go to this tower of this giant castle on the middle of the city and the doors are all open. So they walk up in there and as they go in there, they began to realize like, if there's any, it doesn't look like there's anybody there. And the meander through this CASEL. And they walk into the great chamber where they see this throne room and they walk up to the throne room and they realize that no one has been in this throne room and what it looks like generations and they see the Lord or the leader on this throne and he's dead. 

It was just laying there. Like he's been dead for a long time. He's a skeleton. So they come back out and they find that guy and they'd go, Hey, we, we, we went to the, to the castle when we found the guy that guy's dead and a local is like, you got to be kidding me as a local goes in there. And he sees that the leader that made the rules about perfection is dead. And so the local comes out and he starts, he goes, home, tells his family. Then they started when he kills his neighbor and then he goes on a killing spree. 

And then everybody else does is going on in killing sprees. You see, they no longer have to obey the laws. There's no longer retaliation. Or let me put that differently. There is no longer any repercussions for retaliation, right? 

Speaker 4 (40m 26s): Is he now? Now there's chaos. There's this invisible force. This what Jordan Peterson talks about. Sometimes when he says we are protected from something we don't understand by something, we can't see what he's talking about. His, we are protected from chaos by our culture, regardless of how barbaric our culture may be. It protects us from chaos. 

However, no society, no culture on a long enough timeline gets to go indefinitely without chaos. And I would argue that what you're seeing from local officials, from state officials, from government officials around the world, as an attempt, it is an attempt to manage the chaos. The financial system is going to implode. That is what I think is happening. 

The monetary system is done for the resources, have siphoned 

Speaker 1 (41m 34s): Out of our country, out of all countries in, into the pockets of a very small few amount of people and is not new. What do you think the Royal families came from? You know, Thomas Piketty wrote a great book called capital. And in that book, he explains, he defines the term capital and explains the term capital and lays out the foundation of culture. As far back as the Egyptians, there is a ruling class of people wear all the wealth of all the resources of all the land is sucked up into. 

And then there's everybody else. There's one group. And then another group and the group on the top is all your billionaire's and all your trillionaires. And when you look at this governing bodies, that's trying to take over. If you look at the financial resource is being stolen, the transfer of wealth from working people to the top, 1% is going towards this new global who are the United nations. 

All the money from all the countries is being siphoned to the top. In order to build a world government body, that's going to rule over Everybody or try or attempt to, to rule over people. In my opinion, that's what I see happening. And all of these people clamoring for Equality. All of these people clamoring for right. They are being used right now. These are the people. These are the useful idiots. 

These, the people that are going to be pandered too in the short term, however, once the s**t hits the fan, those people will be eliminated quickly. Those will be the people shoved into internment camps. Those will be the people wearing a yellow star on their arm, and there's all the camera's to track them. All of the troublemakers. All of these people we'll be labeled troublemakers, labeled aggressive, labeled violent, labeled as unable unfit for the community. 

Economically non-viable the homeless people swept up and put in camps or turn into Soylent green or anybody who's unable to make their way in this world is going to be swept up and put in a row under the carpet swept up and out of the way. How do you feel about that? Or are you thinking to yourself? You know what I mean? A lot less people, you know, what if you're a lot less crime, at least on the forefront, at least in my field of vision, you might think that, but is that true? 

I would say that the level of crime, depending on how you define crime may be greater. I mean, if you define crime as taking away the Liberty of people, if you define crime as demoralizing generations of people, dumbing them down, not giving them access to stimulating events or allowing them to develop cognitively. 

If that's a crime, then the crimes in the future will be immeasurable in the future. I think that's where we're at. I have a problem with authority. I already, it's already difficult enough for me to listen to someone who claims to be my boss, tell me they know more than me. I constantly have to look at them and be like, you really do. You think you do? Okay. Well, can you explain it to me? And then when they can't explain it to me, it leads down a pathway of trying to point out the flaws in their argument. 

Or maybe it's my flawed judgment that has try to point out someone else's flaws. I don't know what I'm saying is I don't like people telling me what the f**k to do. Imagine going through your day. But now you have somebody from a whole nother country coming over here and telling you what the f**k to do. Imagine that imagine someone else from like a, I don't know, from some third world country who got a degree from a diploma mill and is now telling you that your doing all this s**t wrong, that would be pretty asinine, right? 

Especially for Americans who tend to have a really big problem with authority already. That's something to think about, but let me flip it on here a little bit. What if, what if, what if you were the person that God to enjoy all of the benefits? What if you are doing pretty well? Know what, if you are an essential person, you are pretty easy to look down on all of those people that are quote unquote non-essential, huh? 

Be pretty easy to start being like, you know what? I'm glad we got rid of those guys who needs people pinging on the streets who needs people are getting pickpocketed. You know what I think we're finally clean up the gene pool. It's a new Dawn in our country. There's a whole lot more opportunity now. Interesting to think about, right. 

It's interesting to think about that. Being said, no one stays on top forever. No one gets to be in the seat of power forever. Even though it seems like that sometimes rarely look at the Royal family. What makes those people Royal? They seem like a Royal pain in the ass to me. How's Harry and Megan coming over here. He want you to go back home. No one wants you here. 

You don't want Megan Merkel. Let me tell you love. If you want to get a job at Disney, if you want to be in Hollywood, then you have to make an appointment with Harvey Weinstein and give them a blow job. That's apparently how you get a leading role at Disney or in Hollywood. Megan, you should not be able to skip that step. I mean, if you want to be a real princess, then you've got to go to the King maker. 

And the King maker is Harvey Weinstein. Everybody knows that. Don't you know that, Harry, you got to know that, right? That's why you went to them or I don't know, Harry, maybe you should go talk to Harvey Weinstein. Maybe you want to be in Hollywood. Okay. Now I'm getting out of control. Now I'm just ranting. Why do I, well, how come you guys didn't stop me? What's wrong with new people? Why do you want to hear me say this stuff? Somebody stopped me it out of control. George you're out of control. 

Okay. Enough of that, let's talk about some solutions. Write what can we do? You should never get into a rant about a bunch of issues without providing some solutions. And so that's what I want to talk about it. Now, how about this? I was thinking about having like a 48 hour film festival in your community. You, if you have a projector in a, an, a sheet, then you, then you can make like a movie night for you and all your neighbors. 

That's what I want to do. That's what I've been thinking about doing. And let me tell you why I want to do and not because I want to be Harvey Weinstein now, because I want Megan Merkel to come over here and audition. Definitely don't want that beat it. However, I do think that you could teach young children the way to not only view the world, but to interpret the world the way to show others the world, by showing them how to make movies and not necessarily like a longterm thriller or something like that. 

I would propose that you get your neighbors together and you ask the kids to make a short and they could probably do it with their phone. Or if you live in a community that just has one phone, that is something that I think it's doable. So I think that the bar for entry should be like on Saturdays, you know? And on Thursdays you get the kids together and you say, listen, revving a 48 hour film festival. Here's your line of dialogue. And here's your prom. 

The film can be five minutes. And in that film, we want you to make people laugh. You want me, and you want to make people cry all in five minutes. Can you do it? 

Speaker 4 (51m 2s): That could be a topic. And then the next week, 

Speaker 1 (51m 7s): You know the topic, maybe the topic could be flexible. It could be whatever you want it to be. Whatever the kids you will, the kids need directions. So you would say like, I want you to tell us about the biggest fear where you live right now, and then the kids could do a five minute film on that. Or I want you to talk about how the biggest problem with the adults, or I want you to talk about the biggest problem with the environment, or I want you to surprise me, whatever it is, however big your imagination is what you tell the kids. 

And there's a lot of things that go into that because as the kids are making the film, you're teaching them how to view reality. You're teaching them how to engage the community, your teaching them, how to interpret the world. And, and if they get those responses, if they are able and successful to make people both laugh and cry, then their beginning to understand how to process and send out emotions to people, how to communicate in a crowd, how to move forward and this new digital world in which we're embarking. 

There's a lot of little side chain things you could do as well. You could actually have your community versus another community when it came to films or you could work with the community and you would be able to identify children who are superior in translating vision into reality. And those could be the new leaders of the community, or they could be the new 

Speaker 4 (52m 52s): And by that 

Speaker 1 (52m 53s): Fascinators of technology to their particular community, I think that's a great strategy for moving forward in the times that are coming ahead. And it's something where the cost of entry is low. It's something that everybody could participate in. It's something that the family could sit down and talk about and inform their kid's and grow together. And it could bring people together instead of dividing people. So how do you like those apples? 

Huh? Ah, you see if she thought I was going to in here and rant and give you that stuff. No, I got solutions too, baby. I got 'em too. And I love you guys. And this has gone way longer than I thought it should out, but I do. I love you guys. I'm so stoked to be here and I'm so stoked. I have a platform to chitchat with people and to all my friends in Spain, in Albania, in Ukraine, in Romania. Can you guys please comment and tell me what you have seen. 

I know this is, I hope I'm going to sound like too denim of an American, but I know that some of you recently have gone through some really large changes in your areas. And I would love to hear about it. I would love to hear about the similarities that you see happening to our country that already happened in your country. I know a lot of people in the military where I am from, and it's a lot of Americans over here. 

Like we've always seen the people that are paying attention to have seen what are country goes and does and other places. And They the first thing you do is you demoralize them. You soften them up economically. You ruin the supply chains. And I would argue that is what's happening in the USA right now. I would argue that's what's happening all over the world right now. However, I know people in Europe tend to be, 

Speaker 4 (54m 51s): Is he a lot smarter than, 

Speaker 1 (54m 56s): Than the average American at times it was kind of tough for me to say, I'm sorry, but it seems to me that the education level and some European countries, you know what, maybe that maybe it's vastly superior too. A lot of the public schools we have here, but I know that when it comes to math and history, right? A lot of my European friends, they got it on us. And so I would love to hear from you guys hit me up on Facebook or wherever you're listening to this, leave a comment below and I'll get back to you. 

And if you want to come on here and do a podcast with me, then reach out to me cause I would love to have you on. And I love you guys can print day Amigos. I'll do you have a great day? 

Speaker 4 (55m 47s): And I will be talking to you, read it 

Speaker 1 (55m 49s): How soon I've got a really interesting point of view on another dimension, a language coming up soon. Stay with me. I love you. Thank you. Aloha.

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Greetings from the enigmatic realm of "The TrueLife Podcast: Unveiling Realities." Embark on an extraordinary journey through the uncharted territories of consciousness with me, the Founder of TrueLife Media. Fusing my background in experimental psychology and a passion for storytelling, I craft engaging content that explores the intricate threads of entrepreneurship, uncertainty, suffering, psychedelics, and evolution in the modern world.

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Aloha, and welcome to a world where realities are uncovered, and consciousness takes center stage.