A Question of Code

Stop procrastinating; just get started. Get. It. Done.

Show Notes

We've had some great guests on our podcast, and we've asked each of them for their "Three Top Tips" for new developers. All their advice has been amazing, and a lot of the same concepts have come up time and time again. In this miniseries we're looking back at those top tips, and linking the themes together.

This week our theme is "getting things done": that is to say, just start already! There's a lot to be said for doing research and preparing thoroughly, but there's even more power in just starting. By doing a thing, you really start to learn the thing. There's a gulf of distance between knowing something "in the head" and knowing that same thing "in the hand". So should you start coding straight away? And what are the best ways to jump in at the deep end? Find out all this and more in this week's rehashed instalment of A Question of Code.

What is A Question of Code?

A newbie coder and a seasoned veteran discuss the questions that always come up when someone begins learning to code.

Ed is looking at getting a career in programming and has been learning to code for just over a year. During this time he’s been building up a stack of questions that keep coming up from other newbie coders. Luckily, he’s got someone he can ask for help: Tom. Tom’s a seasoned coder, having worked in the industry for a few years now and has all the answers Ed needs, or does he?