She's Fabulous by MaryAnn Lim Favie

Hello and welcome to She’s Fabulous Show.

Show Notes


TITLE:  Be Proud of Who You Are

Hello and welcome to She’s Fabulous Show. 

Story 1:

Growing up with a mindset of sacrifice for others

Story 2:

Sacrificing as a wife and mother.

Story 3:

Being a follower makes you a good leader.

  1. Finding what makes you unique and embracing it
  2. Being proud of what challenges you have overcome
  3. Accepting that perfect does not happen as everything will change and shake you up 


Enjoy the journey and the unfolding of your best version.

I would love to hear your feedback about my sharing, please check out my show notes and connect with me through my Facebook, Instagram and my personal blog. I am looking forward to having you again in my next episode.

Instagram:  maryann.favie_sheis.fabulous
Personal Blog:

What is She's Fabulous by MaryAnn Lim Favie ?

She's Fabulous by MaryAnn Lim Favie