Holy Ghost Stories

In a dire moment, Yahweh gives Moses a simple way to save the Israelites. But simple doesn't mean easy.

Text: Exodus 17:8-18:27

  • Yahweh
  • Moses 
  • Aaron
  • Hur
  • Jethro

What's Spooky: 
  • A mild battle scene


Research, Writing, Narration, Direction: Justin Gerhardt
Season 4 Original Score: Kendall Ramseur
Sound Engineering: Joël Dollié
Manuscript Editing: JL Gerhardt
Intro Music: "Winds of Change," Four Trees
Outro Music: "Fine-Toothed Chrome," Sam Barsh


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—Find out about Holy Ghost Stories or contact Justin Gerhardt at holyghoststories.org

Creators & Guests

Justin Gerhardt
Creator of Holy Ghost Stories, President of Hazefire Studios

What is Holy Ghost Stories?

Bible stories told beautifully, ushering you into moments with Yahweh.