Up Next With Us

Hey, Jure here. Today on Up Next With Us, I'm diving into something we all struggle with - making decisions.

You know how it goes. Sometimes you're on fire, knocking out choices left and right. Other times? You're stuck wondering if you should have toast or cereal for breakfast. (Spoiler: Always go for the toast. Unless it's cereal. Then definitely cereal.)
Anyway, running our e-commerce business has thrown me into the deep end of decision-making. I've screwed up plenty, but I've also figured out a couple tricks that help:
  1. Make decisions fast and often. Seriously, speed over perfection.
  2. Don't get hung up on how hard something might be to do. Focus on deciding first, worry about the "how" later.
I'll break these down and share some real-life examples that'll probably sound familiar.

Whether you're trying to decide on a new hire or just what to watch on Netflix tonight, I think you'll find something useful here. And hey, if not, at least you can laugh at some of my mistakes.

So grab a drink (coffee, beer, kale smoothie - no judgment here), and let's chat about making better decisions. Who knows? Maybe by the end of this, you'll be ready to make that choice you've been putting off.

Catch you on the episode!

What is Up Next With Us?

Hey there! We're Mojca and Jure and over the past decade, we've navigated many ups and downs of starting a business. Our biggest success so far?

In 2020, during the pandemic, against all odds (and common sense), we launched an e-commerce brand (and a brick & mortar location) that has since generated more than $1.8M in revenue.

We're also running an ads and content agency that helps brands grow and gain loyal fans.

This podcast will mostly feature sound bites from our YouTube channel and I hope you'll enjoy it!