Rocket Ship

In this episode, I talk with Szymon Rybczak, a 17-year-old React Native developer at Callstack. Szymon shares his journey into open source and his experience working with React Native. He discusses the benefits of contributing to open-source projects and provides tips for getting started. Szymon also explains the concept of React Server Components and how they can be used in React Native. He discusses the challenges and potential of this technology. Finally, Szymon talks about the Repack project and the future of universal apps.

Learn React Native -

Szymon Rybczak


- Contributing to open-source projects can help developers improve their skills and gain valuable experience.
- React Server Components can execute React components on a server, enabling full-stack development and performance optimizations.
- Repack is a project that allows for module federation and bundle splitting in React Native, enabling micro frontends.
- The future of React Native includes the adoption of React Server Components and the development of universal apps.


- Brownfield app process:
- RePack:

What is Rocket Ship?

Welcome aboard the Rocket Ship, the ultimate podcast voyage into the heart of React Native development with Simon Grimm! Whether you're a seasoned mobile app developer or just starting your journey, this is your go-to destination for all things React Native and Expo.