Redemption Arcadia

Redemption Arcadia Trailer Bonus Episode 657 Season 1

Rich Toward God: Eternal Perspective and Contentment


Luke 12:13-31

In the ‘Parable of the Rich Fool,’ Jesus reframes the value of wealth and riches. Far more valuable than worldly wealth is being rich toward God.

Relating well to money isn’t about the amount of money a person has, but about how content a person is with what he has. Jesus wants his people to be content because he is a trustworthy provider.

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Luke 12:13-31

In the ‘Parable of the Rich Fool,’ Jesus reframes the value of wealth and riches. Far more valuable than worldly wealth is being rich toward God. 

Relating well to money isn’t about the amount of money a person has, but about how content a person is with what he has. Jesus wants his people to be content because he is a trustworthy provider.

What is Redemption Arcadia?

Sermons preached at the Arcadia congregation of Redemption Church. All of life is all for Jesus. For more information, visit