Redemption Church Tempe

Redemption Church Tempe Trailer Bonus Episode 693 Season 1

Delivered From Threat (1 Samuel 11)

Delivered From Threat (1 Samuel 11)Delivered From Threat (1 Samuel 11)


This week, Pastor John Crawford continues us in our new series titled "We Want A King!" This series centers on the rise & fall of Israel’s first three kings—Saul, David, and Solomon—exploring themes of power & brokenness, national division & personal failure, and cultivating a heart after God. All three kings reveal our desperate need for Jesus as King. In this sermon, Pastor Crawford teaches out of 1 Samuel 11.

Show Notes

This week, Pastor John Crawford continues us in our new series titled "We Want A King!" This series centers on the rise & fall of Israel’s first three kings—Saul, David, and Solomon—exploring themes of power & brokenness, national division & personal failure, and cultivating a heart after God. All three kings reveal our desperate need for Jesus as King. In this sermon, Pastor Crawford teaches out of 1 Samuel 11.
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What is Redemption Church Tempe?

Sermons preached at the Tempe Congregation of Redemption Church. All of life is all for jesus. For more information visit