The Tom Storr Podcast

Do you have an unhealthy relationship with food?

We all have a relationship with food.. Some positive.. Some negative.. It affects the way we live and therefore the outcome to our health, physique and mental state.

In the podcast I cover some common problems I have seen from working with many 100's of individuals that have a negative relationship with food.

I will challenge your thinking and open your eyes to the behaviours you may or may not be aware of.

And give you some foundation steps to help start your journey on conquering your unhealthy relationship with food for good.

What is The Tom Storr Podcast?

This podcast is aimed to share my real life experiences in the health and fitness industry. I have been in the industry for over a decade, working with many 100's of people, building a successful business with an incredible team and as I look to expand my fitness entrepreneurship, I want to share my wins and lessons along the way for anybody interested in listening.