Wild User Interviews Podcast (Wuipod)

Conversation with Deepak Nuli, founder of Kresko.fi, also known on the interwebz as the 'Hundu Hacker'.

Kresko.fi is a synthetic assets protocol being built on NEAR Protocol where users can issue and trade synthetic, overcollaterised assets. We explore the origin stories - Deepak's experience with inequality and Wall Street Bets as a trigger, middle class and financial literacy, Token system design and much more! Enjoy.

Show Notes

Kresko Website - https://www.kresko.fi

Deepak Twitter - https://twitter.com/hinduhacker

Kresko Twitter - https://twitter.com/kreskoFi
Kresko Medium - https://medium.com/kreskofi
Kresko Telegram - https://t.me/kreskofi
Kresko Github - https://github.com/kreskohq/

What is Wild User Interviews Podcast (Wuipod)?

People, Product and Crypto.

Wild User Interviews is about open-sourcing open-ended conversations with the creative forces shaping up the decentralised world. In the wild, our guests range from Product Designers to Blockchain Architects, and include topics such as Philosophy and Proof-of-Stake. The common thread being our focus on the human side as he try to deconstruct the frameworks and processes to enable listeners to become the better version of themselves while venturing into the Metaverse.