Out of the Hourglass

Sydney Bates, Project Manager at Nolan Consulting Group, is back to bring us into the world of Working Genius! Over the last several months, Sydney has facilitated several Working Genius team debriefs, helping different teams across a variety of organizations understand the needed differences and dynamics within their companies. 

We also get to hear from Josh Abramson, Chief Solutionist and President from ALLBRiGHT Painting in Los Angeles, California as he shares highlights from his team’s team’s Working Genius experience. Josh loved it - it was exciting to see his team embrace the exercise, be vulnerable and apply the framework to their personal and professional development. 

Working Genius is a framework created by Patrick Lencioni and the team at the Table Group. Sydney Bates is a Working Genius Certified Trainer. To learn more, visit workinggenius.com or contact Sydney Bates, Sydney@nolancg.com

Creators & Guests

Molly Nolan
Marketing & Program Manager at Nolan Consulting Group, a Coaching & Consulting firm focused on the Trades Industry.

What is Out of the Hourglass?

Out of the Hourglass, presented by Nolan Consulting Group, is here to help Small Business Owners and Contractors alike visualize their goals, develop their team & build sustainable growth. You'll hear from our panel of NCG Coaches on a variety of topics, guest speakers from top industry resources, Business Owners sharing best practices and a focus on strategies across sales, marketing, business planning, human resources and more. We're here to take you "out of the hourglass" and reach YOUR Summit.