The Veterans Disability Nexus

Welcome to The Veterans Disability Nexus, where we provide unique insights and expertise on medical evidence related to VA-rated disabilities.
Leah Bucholz, a US Army Veteran, Physician Assistant, & former Compensation & Pension Examiner shares her knowledge related to Independent Medical Opinions often referred to as “Nexus Letters” in support of your pursuit of VA Disability every Wednesday at 7 AM.

In this video Leah offers a detailed guide on what to expect during a VA Compensation and Pension (C&P) exam specifically for prostate cancer, aiming to alleviate the concerns of veterans who often feel apprehensive about the process. Initially, veterans scheduled for an exam receive a packet detailing the examiner's qualifications and the exam logistics. At the exam, the examiner discusses the Disability Benefits Questionnaire (DBQ), which veterans can also have completed by their healthcare provider beforehand. The DBQ covers various conditions but will focus on those relevant to the veteran’s case, including any history of prostate cancer. The exam might address additional conditions like erectile dysfunction if applicable, and veterans have the option to decline certain physical exams for comfort.

What is The Veterans Disability Nexus?

Welcome to The Veterans Disability Nexus, where we provide unique insights and expertise on medical evidence related to VA-rated disabilities. Leah Bucholz, a US Army Veteran, Physician Assistant, & former Compensation & Pension Examiner shares her knowledge related to Independent Medical Opinions often referred to as “Nexus Letters” in support of your pursuit of VA Disability every Tuesday & Wednesday at 7AM Central.

Take control of your medical evidence related to your benefits and visit for more information and support.