Under Cover

Our communities make up a substantial part of who we are; it helps us feel secure and gives us a sense of identity within the larger world. The communities we find ourselves in shape our opinions and perspectives, sometimes without us even realising. 'Community' can mean many different things and can come in many different forms; it could be a work community, a religious community or even an online community. In short, communities are the people and places we hold closest. In this first episode of the new season, we're looking at the impact of coronavirus misinformation in different communities - how it's spreading, how people cope with it and what's being done to fight it.

Presenter: Georgia Barry | Producer: Damon Rowston

Show Notes

Story 1: With so much information swirling around about vaccines, it’s worth taking a step back and viewing the bigger picture about how and why misinformation reaches us. Reporter: Matt Parnell

Story 2: The pandemic has been a test of faith for many. This pushed faith leaders to spread the message of God while also righting the wrong of misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines. While this may sound all positive, there are some concerns. This is a larger investigation we are conducting, but in this episode we speak with Tasneem Chopra OAM, a cross cultural consultant. Reporter: Shamsiya Hussainpoor.

Story 3: From rumours of 5G spreading the virus, to COVID-19 entering our homes through shipped packages, Australians have been influenced by a flurry of coronavirus misinformation over the past year. But how have culturally and linguistically diverse communities been affected? Undercover investigates Chinese messaging app WeChat as a vehicle for vaccine misinformation among the Chinese Australian community. Reporter: Eleanor Wilson.

Story 4: As the AstraZeneca injection becomes the centre of global conversation, two women living in Calwell, one of the most culturally diverse electorates in Melbourne, discuss how they feel about the COVID-19 vaccines. Mohini and Thruga work at the same aged care residence and in this story they tell us about finding a balance between personal and communal responsibilities. Reporter: Olivia Davendra

Story 5: Despite misinformation of Coronavirus vaccines spread across our media platforms, many elderly people have chosen to receive vaccinations. With the elderly being in a vulnerable group, coronavirus becomes much more severe, emphasising the importance of immunity. Reporter: 

What is Under Cover?

Under Cover is not just a podcast. It's a phone call, a voice message left for those who are lonely, confused or just need someone to talk to them at this time of isolation. It's a warm and friendly midnight radio for the world. It is a good friend who is informative, trustworthy and is there for you - with stories, songs and sounds to make you feel connected. With yourself, with your friends, with your world.