Can you see what I see?

We rarely acknowledge ourselves and our unique gifts and talents. It seems that for generations, we have been playing small, wanting to fit in rather than stand out. This has lead to a world where we are not allowing ourselves to be the magic that we all are.
This can be as a result of indoctrination, or from trauma caused in childhood that continues to impact our decisions into adulthood.

Show Notes

It has been encouraged and accepted as "natural" over lifetimes that we human beings are in competition with each other, or are being compared with others to make a judgment as to whether we are "successful" or "worthy".   We have all been indoctrinated to some extent by our parents, school, media, society, workplaces etc.   
This has set up a polarity of good/bad and right/wrong...... which makes someone right and someone wrong.  As a result, separation occurs - within ourself, in relationships, workplaces, in all aspects of life.  It stops us from being ALL of the magic that we are.  And we can make a choice in every moment to be that.
Trauma in childhood can cause us to not feel safe, secure and supported, so we are unable to have the tough conversations that are so important in creating meaningful relationships.......  Dr Gabor Mate believes that all human beings have experienced trauma to some degree.
A base need we have as human beings, is connection - and we all need it to thrive.
So how do we connect from a place where we feel safe, secure and supported to be the magic we are?

Song:  I Am Light by India.Arie
In An Unspoken Voice (Peter A Levine)
Complex PTSD:  From Surviving to Thriving (Pete Walker)
What Happened to You? Conversations on Trauma, Resilience and Healing (Dr Bruce D Perry and Oprah Winfrey)
TraumaTrails:  Recreating Song Lines  (Judy Atkinson)
The Mind-Gut Connection:  How the Hiddenj Conversation Within Our Bodies Impacts Our Mood, Our Choices, and Our Overall Health (Dr Emeran Mayer)
Dare To Lead:  brave work, tough conversations, whole hearts (Brene Brown)

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What is Can you see what I see??

Would you like to live in a kinder, happier world where people are safe, empowered and inspired to choose greater? A world that has a different vocabulary from what is considered "normal" .... and the language is empowering and actually COMMON for us all.

We see that world.