The Doorstep Mile

Many of the best things I have done began with an email. They are so brief, flippant and non-binding. Scribble an email, click send. Worst case scenario? You regret it in the morning and hastily back out. Easy as that. You haven't got much to lose.

Show Notes


Mon, 24 Dec 2007, 21:08
From: Alastair
To: Ben
Subject: SOUTH
Hi Ben,
Having a wonderful time in Hawaii - been out whale watching and running this morning.
But I can't stop thinking about my future expeditions. So I decided to write and ask in all seriousness if I can join your SOUTH team? I am writing because I will regret it if I do not, but also because you know me well enough to be able to say 'No!' without embarrassment or worry...! 
Look forward to chatting in the New Year when I get home. Hope you have a warm, sunny Christmas, like me,


Fri, 20 Nov 2015, 11:56
From: Alastair
To: Becks Violin
Subject: Can you teach me the violin really quickly?
hi Becks,
I found your email via Google. I'm looking to learn the violin. But I have a slightly unusual plan...
I'm an adventurer and author. My favourite ever travel book is 'As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning'. Laurie Lee walked across Spain in the 1930s, living from busking. 
I want to retrace his journey, living entirely from busking. But I cannot play the violin!
Can you teach me to play a few cool busking songs so that I don't starve to death on the trip?!
I'm 38, I did Grade 2 piano when I was 10.  I'm willing to work hard and we've got until the summer to learn...
Are you up for the challenge?


Thurs, 5 Sep 2012, 16:10
From: Alastair
To: Leon
Subject: Walk
hi Leon,
Hypothetically speaking, would you be interested in another long walk?! 6-8 weeks. Desert. Pulling a cart. Nov-Dec. Home for Xmas...

Many of the best things I have done began with an email. They are so brief, flippant and non-binding. Scribble an email, click send. Worst case scenario? You regret it in the morning and hastily back out. Easy as that. You haven't got much to lose. 
Hopefully, however, you get up tomorrow and follow this small beginning with another small beginning. And you keep repeating that until those little steps accumulate into something that you look on with surprise and pride. 

Send someone a brief email that will pique their curiosity about an adventure. 
CC me in if you like:
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What is The Doorstep Mile?

Would you like a more adventurous life?
Are you being held back by a lack of time or money? By fear, indecision, or a feeling of being selfish or an imposter?
Living adventurously is not about cycling around the world or rowing across an ocean.
Living adventurously is about the attitude you choose each day. It instils an enthusiasm to resurrect the boldness and curiosity that many of us lose as adults.
Whether at work or home, taking the first step to begin a new venture is daunting. If you dream of a big adventure, begin with a microadventure.
This is the Doorstep Mile, the hardest part of every journey.
The Doorstep Mile will reveal why you want to change direction, what’s stopping you, and how to build an adventurous spirit into your busy daily life.
Dream big, but start small.

Don’t yearn for the adventure of a lifetime. Begin a lifetime of living adventurously.
What would your future self advise you to do?
What would you do if you could not fail?
Is your to-do list urgent or important?
You will never simultaneously have enough time, money and mojo.
There are opportunities for adventure in your daily 5-to-9.
The hardest challenge is getting out the front door and beginning: the Doorstep Mile.

Alastair Humphreys, a National Geographic Adventurer of the Year, cycled around the world for four years but also schedules a monthly tree climb. He has crossed the Empty Quarter desert, rowed the Atlantic, walked a lap of the M25 and busked through Spain, despite being unable to play the violin.

‘The gospel of short, perspective-shifting bursts of travel closer to home.’ New York Times
‘A life-long adventurer.’ Financial Times
‘Upend your boring routine… it doesn't take much.’ Outside Magazine

Visit to listen to Alastair's podcast, sign up to his newsletter or read his other books.