Kidney Stone Diet

Harvard has updated its Oxalate list, providing new information on the oxalate content of various foods. The list includes six new pages of information, including foods that have never been studied before. While the values may differ depending on factors such as growing conditions and measurement methods, the overall advice remains the same: eat all foods except almonds and spinach products in normal portions.

  • Harvard has released an updated Oxalate list, providing new information on the oxalate content of various foods.
  • The values on the list may differ due to factors such as growing conditions and measurement methods.
  • The overall advice for kidney stone prevention remains the same: eat all foods except almonds and spinach products in normal portions.
  • Other important factors for kidney stone prevention include getting enough fluids, reducing added sugar and salt, and ensuring adequate calcium intake.

00:00 Introduction: Harvard's Updated Oxalate List
09:05 The Importance of Fluids, Calcium, and Balanced Nutrition
14:13 Portion Sizes and the Role of Advice


This podcast is designed to entertain and inform — not provide medical advice. Always consult your doctor before starting any treatment.


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Jeff Sarris⚡️
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Jill Harris
Jill Harris is a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) who specializes in kidney stone prevention. Her goal is to teach you what you need to know and, more importantly, how to put that knowledge to work so you can stop forming stones. For good.

What is Kidney Stone Diet?

A show about reducing your kidney stone risk and living your best life.

Each week we talk to Jill Harris, the Kidney Stone Prevention Expert, to learn everything we need to know about kidney stone prevention.

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