Accounting Matters

A lot goes into a successful business transaction. A lot. So in this first part of our latest M&A series, your faithful Embarkers are taking a deep dive into all of those pre-transaction activities that help ensure you start off on the right foot. A little bit of due diligence goes a long way so pull up a chair!

For more information on buy-side transactions and related topics:

Buy-Side Due Diligence: Report Checklist and Guide for M&A and Other Transactions
Purchase Accounting: Valuations, Adjustments & Accounting for M&As
Post-Merger Integration Checklist

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What is Accounting Matters?

Accounting Matters lives up to its title, covering vital accounting topics that actually matter to professionals in the accounting trenches. We start with a new topic and definition every episode, then highlight and discuss the key areas, from evaluation to reporting. Accounting Matters is hosted by public accounting veterans Adam Olsen & Nicole Harger from advisory firm Embark.

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