First Baptist Arlington Sermons

Dennis R. Wiles 
First Baptist Arlington 
June 2, 2024 
SUMMER 2024 
Together . . . in the Gospel 
June 2 – August 3, 2024 
Preaching Voice: Evangelist 
The Good News is About Jesus! 
Mark 1:1-8 
1 Corinthians 11:23-26
Theme for 2024: Together 
Theme for Summer 2024: Together . . . in The Gospel 
Summer – Evangelistic Sensitivity 
New Devotional Guide for Summer 
Tell Me More podcast – I will also plug the live podcast from the Sanctuary on June 23 – 100th episode! 
-Earliest Gospel 
-Gospel – Good News! 
-Mark was a disciple of Simon Peter 
-The Gospel of Mark was intended to be read aloud in community. 
-Mark’s Gospel is a drama with three acts: Jesus in Galilee, Jesus on the way to Jerusalem, and Jesus in Jerusalem 
-The “Messianic Secret” 
-The ending of the Gospel of Mark 
PREPARATION: The Good News about Jesus is new news rooted in old news!  
PERSON: The Good News is . . . Jesus!

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