Collisions YYC

In this episode, I am joined by Dr. Bob Bray, Orthopedic Surgeon, as we round out our series on our healthcare system with his valued perspective as a 30+ year Alberta healthcare worker.

Show Notes

After a series of good old-fashioned chats with a few government officials about the issues in our healthcare system, we were still missing a key side of the conversation. The perspective of someone who lives and breathes health care. Enter Dr. Bob Bray. Having spent his 30+ year career in our province, Dr. Bray has worked through the ups-and-downs of Alberta’s healthcare system. So, who better to talk to when regarding the effects our healthcare system has on our healthcare workers? Join me as Dr. Bray shares his perspective on Alberta's healthcare system and why a change of mindset can provide better opportunities, build expertise, and create a strong infrastructure.

What is Collisions YYC?

Tired of the same old news cycle? Get informed on what’s happening in businesses in Calgary, Alberta and beyond with Collisions YYC.

Tyler Chisholm hosts Alberta’s best and brightest minds who are shaping the very landscape of our province with their work in fields like Technology, FinTech, Energy, Healthcare, Education, AI, and more. Tyler’s inherent curiosity and exploratory style fuel candid conversations with the people who are driving change in our city, our province and the world.

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