Gaming the System

I don't usually get too personal on this show. I never really thought it was the place to be emotional...
However, a conversation with a friend of mine, shortly followed by him urging me to share my story, prompted me to create this episode. I realised that there are hundreds, if not thousands of people in our community that are in the same position I was just a year ago.
I was horribly depressed, anxious, lonely, unhealthy and lacking any sense of clarity or determination.
I found myself in some horrible situations over the last 2 years, and at my worst point, I was living in a fly-infested apartment contemplating suicide while living a supposed dream life as a Twitch streamer. 
But fast forward to 2019, and I find myself in a position where I can travel the world and I'm waking up every day with the motivation to work. It's incredible.
If I help even one person with this episode then it'll be worth almost breaking down into tears in front of hundreds of people!

As always, thanks for tuning in. If you liked the episode I'd really appreciate you taking the time to give us a rating. It helps out far more than you realise!
Until next time.

Music by Nordgroove from Fugue.

Show Notes

I don't usually get too personal on this show. I never really thought it was the place to be emotional...

However, a conversation with a friend of mine, shortly followed by him urging me to share my story, prompted me to create this episode. I realised that there are hundreds, if not thousands of people in our community that are in the same position I was just a year ago.

I was horribly depressed, anxious, lonely, unhealthy and lacking any sense of clarity or determination.

I found myself in some horrible situations over the last 2 years, and at my worst point, I was living in a fly-infested apartment contemplating suicide while living a supposed dream life as a Twitch streamer. 

But fast forward to 2019, and I find myself in a position where I can travel the world and I'm waking up every day with the motivation to work. It's incredible.

If I help even one person with this episode then it'll be worth almost breaking down into tears in front of hundreds of people!

As always, thanks for tuning in. If you liked the episode I'd really appreciate you taking the time to give us a rating. It helps out far more than you realise!

Until next time.

Music by Nordgroove from Fugue.

What is Gaming the System?

Part of the Game Quitters network, GTS brings you everything you need to know about video game addiction, and how people have changed their lives after overcoming it.

Each week we cover a range of topics from industry news and surprise mechanics to companies fighting back against gaming disorder.