34 Circe Salon -- The Parallax

One of the great works of world drama, Euripides "The Bacchae" has mesmerized audiences for over 2000 years.  In the play, the god Dionysus returns to Thebes, his mortal mother’s city, to introduce his cult and punish his relatives who have denied his divinity as the son of Zeus.

What is the play really about and why is it still relevant today?

Join Dr. Gary Stickel and Sean Marlon Newcombe as they discuss this masterpiece. 

What is 34 Circe Salon -- The Parallax?

Parallax -- noun. (ˈpɛrəˌlæks) The apparent displacement of an object as seen from two different points that are not on a line with the object.

A podcast that is an exploration from the ancient world to the cosmic future. Different points of view than what are normally heard. New visions.