
“My friend mailed me $50. She’s the worst, right?” This week, Jenn wonders if there’s a gas leak, Trin deeply mispronounces “Oregon,” and neither of us can quite wrap our brains around an asker who feels grievously wronged by a sorta disappointing wedding gift, I guess. Thank goodness, the second question is about Animal Crossing (but is applicable to the other social tech that we now rely on for human interaction).

CWs: Queerphobia, and money are discussed at length. COVID mentions.

What is Friendshipping!?

How do I quit feeling so jealous of successful friends? Can I befriend my ex? Should I ask my coworker why she unfollowed me on Twitter?

Every week Jenn & Trin answer your questions about friendship! We try to advise on the tricky stuff that's making you feel weird.

Write us your questions at, and visit for more info. Remember that we're not therapists or doctors, although we have spent plenty of time with them.