BreakDrink Podcast

Jeff and Laura return- basically they talk about the return, how podcast have changed, and coffee.

Show Notes

The Original BreakDrink Podcasts 2010-2013 if you care to listen.
Updates from Laura & Jeff -- what has happened since dissertation completion - you can read our big papers here, if you’d like:

Pasquini, L. A. (2014). Organizational identity and community values: Determining meaning in post-secondary education social media guidelines and policy documents. (Doctoral dissertation). Digital Collections, University of North Texas. ProQuest. [Related pubs and info here:

Jackson, J. L. (2015). Identifying Competencies Required for Entry-Level Student Affairs Employment. (Doctoral dissertation). Townsend Memorial Library, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor.

What we are teaching as faculty full-time and as adjuncts:

Potential topics for future podcasts for @BreakDrink might  include:
  • Moving to higher ed in the Netherlands, if you move permanently & become a Dutch citizen you must choose your nationality.
  • Laura’s experience learning to play and love the ukulele. Thanks, Joyce. #BestGiftEver p.s. Joyce is dutch, so we should talk to her Jeff
  • BreakDrink reunion show to catch up with the BD family + shout out to @julieclarsen for recent visits we had to Seattle. 
  • Melbourne coffee IS a thing -- despite what Jeff thinks. Why I (and others) love Melbourne’s coffee culture. Jeff puts “book a trip to Melb” on the calendar.
  • Breakfast tacos + more foodie talks -- WHERE OR WHO has the best breakfast tacos in Texas?  Here’s a top 10 list of breakfast taco places in TX found about said topic. This debate is to be fact-checked & verified in person. Jeff thinks San Antonio - Laura is not sure, but willing to explore this topic further and in-person... for science.
  • #naspa17 Conference in San Antonio, TX in Jeff’s home town in March -- perhaps a live session at The Friendly Spot (you’ve been warned) or in Jeff’s backyard.

Podcasting: It’s Been a While... and It’s Changed

Reflecting on the Campus Tech Connection (#CTCX)-Breakdrink from September 20, 2013
My goodbye to BreakDrink -- show highlights that might make us prolific? (not really)
  • You predicted we would have phones with the screens as large as an iPad
  • Data plans would change and we would be charged by data usage
  •  Kindle Fire - not impressed with their 4G for $50/year program
  • The business models of publishing & bookstores on campus will be challenged by online Use of tablets and BYOD in the classroom will increase
  • State legislature involvement to digitize textbooks & courses 
  • Productivity Hacks -- discussed ahead = our best hack, not podcasting anymore
  • Jeff mentioned TED Ed “create your own” lesson plan -- irony, @julieclarsen found my time management lesson plan I tinkered with for her UW FIGs class

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Twitter: @BreakDrink

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What is BreakDrink Podcast?

BreakDrink is an occasional chat with Jeff Jackson and Laura Pasquini about life, work, and random stuff. There’s a good chance you’ll hear these co-hosts talk about their thoughts on current events, ukuleles, the NBA, podcasts, higher ed, rescue dogs, research, books, technology, and tacos… not in any particular order. They may even invite a friend to the pod to chat. Really, it’s a podcast to encourage you to take a break from the day and have a friend fill your cup.