Ask Rezzz

As a freelancer, there needs to be a balance between your business moving forward and your clients’ businesses.

As a freelancer you should think like a business owner, not an employee. If your business is not moving forward, your clients will ultimately suffer too.

It’s a scary thing because you have all your eggs in one basket so to speak. If that client doesn’t need you anymore, then what?

I think this is a question that most freelancers ask themselves but are hesitant to act on it.

I get it, if it’s the bulk of your income, what can you do right? You don’t want to rock the boat.

In this episode you will learn what the very first step is to get out from that one client being more of your income.

Show Notes

As a freelancer, there needs to be a balance between your business moving forward and your clients’ businesses. As a freelancer you should think like a business owner, not an employee. If your business is not moving forward, your clients will ultimately suffer too. It’s a scary thing because you have all your eggs in one basket so to speak. If that client doesn’t need you anymore, then what? I think this is a question that most freelancers ask themselves but are hesitant to act on it. I get it, if it’s the bulk of your income, what can you do right? You don’t want to rock the boat. In this episode you will learn what the very first step is to get out from that one client being more of your income.

What is Ask Rezzz?

You ask, I answer your web development and design business questions. 🚀 Struggling with a client? Want to build recurring revenue but unsure where to start? Feeling overwhelmed? Have a client that's always late? Want to get clients who respect you? This is the show for you 2 times a week.