Fear the 'Fro: A Cleveland Cavaliers Podcast

Fear the 'Fro is back and Bob is joined by his favorite guest, Tim Alcorn, radio voice of the Cavs.  Bob and Tim, unite in Cavaliers and Bills love to discuss what this season has been like from the Joe Tait Perch, and discuss the All-Star Case for Darius Garland and Jarrett Allen.  

Creators & Guests

Tim Alcorn
Cleveland Cavs Radio Play by Play. Husband and also father of 4 GREAT CHILDREN. Buffalo Bills fanatic. Political junkie.

What is Fear the 'Fro: A Cleveland Cavaliers Podcast?

A Cleveland Cavs and NBA-centric basketball podcast from lifelong Cavaliers fan, Bob Schmidt. Reach Bob at bob@fropod.com, or @fearthefropod on Instagram, and X (Twitter).

Join the 'Fro discord here: https://discord.gg/gzmbTrhg