
In this episode of the Storyworld Podcast, we delve into Quentin Tarantino's exceptional approach to filmmaking, discussing his unique world-building skills, distinctive storytelling style, and the importance of setting oneself apart in creative endeavors. We draw parallels between Tarantino and visionary directors like Christopher Nolan and James Cameron, highlighting the power of a distinct point of view in shaping the worlds created on screen.

Then, we shift our focus to "Inglourious Bastards," a cinematic masterpiece that showcases Tarantino's brilliant plot, evokes a rollercoaster of emotions, and brings exceptional characters to life through a stellar cast. We explore the film's unique storytelling and world-building and rate it on our distinctive "Meat-O-Meter" scale. 

What is Storyworld?

The world of "story" has captivated humanity since the dawn of time. The oldest known form of communication, verbal storytelling is responsible for the continuity and development of civilization from its most primitive moments to its most advanced. Story invokes a sense of mystical wonder, but is also a powerful medium for communicating real and concrete ideas that shape people's lives and make them take action. Steve Schramm (Marketer, Non-Fiction Writer, and Story Nerd) and Alex Giguere (Fiction Writer, Wannabe Game Designer, and Story Nerd) join forces as worlds collide to discuss how "story" is the most powerful concept ever known, and how it interacts with each and every aspect of our lives -- from the most magical to the most mundane.