C We Do Have A Voice

In this episode of "C We Do Have A Voice," host Shellie Turner is joined by Arnedra Jordan, the Project Manager for Black Women for Wellness. While Arnedra is not a breast cancer survivor herself, she advocates for those who are newly diagnosed, teaching them how to navigate their diagnosis and become advocates for themselves. Black Women for Wellness is an organization that focuses on reproductive justice, with different components including diabetes and breast health. This episode highlights the importance of finding your story, making informed decisions, and understanding breast cancer, regardless of where you live or who you are. Tune in to hear Arnedra's heartfelt insights and learn about the work being done in the African-American community for women's health.

00:00:00 - Introduction to the Podcast
00:00:42 - Introducing Guest Arnedra Jordan
00:01:55 - About Black Women for Wellness
00:03:16 - Discussing Diet and Cancer
00:05:13 - The Role of Prescriptions and Alternative Medicine
00:06:01 - Cancer as an Equal Opportunity Employer
00:07:46 - Importance of Green Vegetables
00:08:28 - Cancer Doesn't Discriminate
00:09:09 - Advocacy and Policy for Black Women's Health
00:10:13 - Navigating Health Insurance and Treatment Access
00:11:08 - Clinical Trials and the Black Community
00:12:25 - The Importance of Clinical Trial Diversity
00:13:08 - Clinical Trials and Future Generations
00:14:23 - The Pathfinder Clinical Trial
00:15:06 - Caregiving and Self-Care
00:16:00 - The Pathfinder Program and Lung Health
00:17:25 - The Importance of Advocacy and Education
00:18:46 - Creating Comfortable Environments for Discussion
00:19:53 - The Impact of Racism in Healthcare
00:20:13 - The Taking Stock Program
00:21:25 - The Link Between Chemicals and Cancer
00:22:49 - Environmental Factors and Cancer
00:23:57 - The Possibility of a Cancer Vaccine
00:25:05 - The Importance of Participating in Clinical Trials
00:26:31 - The Future of Cancer Vaccines
00:27:43 - Finding Reliable Information on Medications
00:28:55 - Sharing Knowledge and Resources
00:30:00 - Living Beyond Cancer
00:31:14 - Resources for Cancer Survivors
00:32:33 - Embracing Life After Cancer
00:33:40 - Advocating for Self-Care
00:35:07 - Spreading Awareness and Resources
00:36:06 - Finding and Sharing Resources
00:37:53 - The Role of Community in Spreading Information
00:39:43 - Enjoying Life in Moderation
00:41:10 - Focusing on Thriving, Not Just Surviving
00:42:54 - Changing the Narrative for Black Women's Health
00:44:06 - Closing Remarks and Contact Information

What is C We Do Have A Voice?

Breast Cancer doesn't care where you live, who you know, how healthy you are, how many initials you have behind your name, or the color of your skin. It could care less about money. This is a party that you never RSVP’d to, yet you are the guest of honor… and you don’t know what to do next.

Being diagnosed with breast cancer is where the discussion starts. Join host Shellie Turner in her new podcast that will shine light upon the darkness of diagnosis, giving you the support and information you need to keep moving forward from fellow fighters and survivors. We know you have questions, and this is a space where you can begin to find answers, community, and a voice for yourself in this journey. C. We Do Have a Voice welcomes you to the marvelous light of day.