Front Porch Radio - Pierchoski Estate Law

In this episode, Estate Plan Stan continues his multi-week show and coverage of “The Ultimate Secret to Not Going Broke in the Nursing Home.” This is a very powerful tool that will protect your life savings.

What is Front Porch Radio - Pierchoski Estate Law?

On Bulletproof Estate Planning, we talk about all things estate planning. We will talk about Last Will and Testament, the probate process that goes with a Last Will and Testament. We will discuss Trust plans, Revocable Living Trusts that avoid the probate process; Asset Protection Trusts that protect your life savings from the high cost of long-term care; Special Needs Trusts both fist party and third party; and we will discuss TennCare Eligibility Planning, both pre-planning as well as Crisis Planning. Each week we will do a deep dive into a subject in a progressive manner so you will understand you have options as well as understand which options are the best fit for your family.