Mental health has been one of the red-button issues of the COVID pandemic. With all of this time in isolation, have we developed problems that need more than just a glib spiritual answer? What does it mean to be people of faith handling mental illness?
Show Notes
This episode hosts Megan Powell du Toit and Michael Jensen question their mental stability.
Mental health has been a key conversation during the COVID crisis. People have argued for and against various public health measures by referring to the mental health effects. There has been a widespread understanding that a viral pandemic will have mental health costs as well.
Yet quite often, it is still those people 'out there' - those 'other people' we need to look after. And there continues to be an unhealthy tendency to give spiritual answers to mental health issues. Wouldn't it be better to delve instead into what it is to be people of faith dealing with mental health issues?
Michael and Megan get personal about how experience interacts with our theology and ministry, talk to clinical psychologist Sarah Hindle, and read together a recent novel by an Australian author which centres on a protagonist with mental illness.
Sorrow And Bliss by Meg Mason and The Way I See It by Lucy Marrett are available for 20% off at Little Lost Bookshop when you use the code WADR. Happy reading!
If this episode has raised difficult topics for you, and you'd like to talk to someone about them, Michael, Megan and Sarah recommend:
Lifeline: 13 11 14
Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467
eHeadspace: 1800 650 890
Beyondblue Support Service: 1300 224 636
NSW Mental Health Line: 1800 011 511
What is With All Due Respect?
Less aggro, more conversation.
Is it even possible to have a deep discussion without it descending into chaos? Michael Jensen and Megan Powell du Toit think yes, and want to show the rest of us how to do it.
There’s plenty of things they disagree on: free will, feminism, where you should send your kids to school and what type of church you should go to. But there are also plenty of other things that they have in common. They want to talk about all these things with conviction. But they also want the conversation to be constructive. Tune in to find out if that’s possible.