The Black Line Between Sales & Marketing

Happy New Year and welcome to the first episode of the year! We're officially in a new decade. A lot has already happened this year and we're only two weeks in. This episode Mike and Doug will be talking about what the new year means to businesses along with sharing their predictions and advice for 2021.

Show Notes

Happy New Year and welcome to the first episode of the year! We're officially in a new decade. A lot has already happened this year and we're only two weeks in. If you're feeling a little overwhelmed, that's okay. This episode Mike and Doug will be talking about what the new year means to businesses along with sharing their predictions of 2021 and any advice on navigating the noise and chaos of our world.

Each episode is broken up into three sections: Big News, The Question of the Episode, and Takeaways.
Big News: It's the new year...what does that mean to you/to businesses?
Question of the Episode: Going into the new year, are things going to stay similar as they were in 2020? What are your predictions and how would you advise companies to stay successful?
  • Mike - 2021 is the year of getting yourself in a better mental and physical mindset because with so much going on, taking care of yourself is key
  • Doug - In 2021, you have to surf the wave. Influence what you can and ride the rest out
If you'd like to be featured in upcoming episodes, let us know what your question is on Twitter @DemandCreator or email our Podcast Producer at

And if you want to watch the video recording of this episode, you can do so at and follow us on Twitter @dougdavidoff, @knowingwhen & @DemandCreator.

What is The Black Line Between Sales & Marketing?

Think of this podcast as the sports radio for demand generation. In every episode you can expect to be taken on a journey by Imagine's CEO, Doug Davidoff and Seventh Sense's Founder, Mike Donelly as they discuss, disagree, and form their opinions and ideas on specific sales, marketing, and business topics.