Ask Rezzz

If the size of your market can't support your business then focusing on a specific industry may be too restrictive. But ...

Show Notes

I hate to answer a question with a question, but are you focused on local businesses?

If so and the size of your market can't support your business then focusing on a specific industry may be too restrictive.

For more on exploring your market and the industry head on over to read, listen and explore the Step By Step Guide to Specialization
On the flipside, if you can have a handful of outstanding, recurring, residual clients in a specific industry that support your business, you can charge a premium for those services.

What is Ask Rezzz?

You ask, I answer your web development and design business questions. 🚀 Struggling with a client? Want to build recurring revenue but unsure where to start? Feeling overwhelmed? Have a client that's always late? Want to get clients who respect you? This is the show for you 2 times a week.