Moving Markets: Daily News

Equity markets are higher following NVIDIA's stellar results and despite news that the Federal Reserve may keep interest rates in restrictive territory for longer than expected. Carsten Menke, Head of Next Generation, explains why the latest Chinese stimulus package has little impact on industrial metals, and Nicolas Jordan from our CIO office summarises the views and positioning of the bank's investment committee.

00:00 Introduction by Bernadette Anderko (Investment Writing)
01:02 Markets wrap-up by Roman Canziani (Head of Investment Writing)
06:27 Impact of China’s rescue package on industrial metals by Carsten Menke (Head of Next Generation Research)
10:12 Investment Committee update by Nicolas Jordan (CIO Office)
13:45 Closing remarks by Bernadette Anderko (Investment Writing)

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Moving Markets is a daily market news briefing from Julius Baer. Our experts discuss the latest market developments and put the headlines in perspective to set you up for the coming day. The information contained in this podcast is marketing material. Opinions expressed do not constitute independent financial/investment research, investment advice, or an offer to buy or sell securities by Julius Baer. Please refer to for important legal information prior to listening to this podcast.