Winning on Wednesdays

Joe can help you discover your unique brand value and give it form and substance.

Show Notes

Today on the Winning on Wednesday Podcast, we spoke with Joseph Wesley, President of JNL Creative Solutions.
Have you ever been asked the question, 'what's your value proposition?' The question really means, 'why should I buy from you and not your competition?'. Joe doesn’t claim to see dead people, but he does see unique brand-value about, otherwise hidden from you. 
Joe can help you discover your unique brand value and give it form and substance. He can then help you convert your newly discovered, unique brand-value into your value proposition, to hand over to your web designer, your marketing team, and/or your business coach.
Joseph Wesley
Winning on Wednesday (WOW) is an innovative virtual networking opportunity for entrepreneurs all over the globe. At 11 am ET, anywhere from 60-90 people join our ZOOM meeting and share their professions and passions with each other. Our hope is that by mentoring and giving, like-minded, caring, generous professionals will learn how to help each other grow their businesses by sharing their contacts as well as their expertise.
For more information, visit
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What is Winning on Wednesdays?

Welcome to the Winning on Wednesdays Podcast- a place where we spotlight our exceptional members, partners, and sponsors. On this podcast, our goal is to introduce listeners to innovators, leaders, and creative forces in their fields, as well as members who devote their time giving back to their communities in not-for-profit endeavors.

WOW is a virtual networking platform that brings together between 50 and 80 members weekly to share ideas, discuss their businesses, and get to know each other. WOW encourages the building of relationships before doing business. As I say often say, “People do business with people they know, like, and trust!”

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