Human-Centered Security

“UX design can enhance the overall performance, adoption, and impact in cybersecurity tools that leverage AI, making the tools more accessible to a broader range of users, including those who don’t have deep technical or security knowledge.”

In this episode, Siddharth Hirwani and John Robertson talk about:
  • Pressures and challenges security analysts face and how AI can help.
  • Moving beyond AI hype and focusing on integrating AI in a way that genuinely addresses security analyst’s needs.
  • How UX design can foster trust and adoption of AI tools, while still encouraging analysts to verify AI outputs. 
  • John and Siddharth highlight problems like over-reliance and bias and how UX can be leveraged to address these concerns.

Siddharth Hirwani is Senior Principal Product Designer interested in exploring the critical intersection of user experience and cybersecurity.

John Robertson is a researcher interested in the experience of technical users, especially those in cybersecurity. Recently his focus has been understanding workflows of cybersecurity analysts in security operations centers.

Siddharth and John will be presenting their paper “Cybersecurity Analyst’s Perception of AI Security Tools and Practical Implications” at USENIX SOUPS (Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security) in August 2024.

What is Human-Centered Security?

Cybersecurity is complex. Its user experience doesn’t have to be. Heidi Trost interviews information security experts about how we can make it easier for people—and their organizations—to stay secure.