The Ruby Blend

Deploys are faster now

Show Notes


Andrew Mason
 Nate Hopkins
 Ron Cooke


None this week



Show Notes

[00:02:25] Nate asks Ron if his new company is using Rails like his
 last job. Ron explains how things like deploys are much easier and fast
 to do now, the differences in traffic, and the use of traditional Rails
 background jobs.
[00:06:23] Ron, Andrew, and Nate discuss the benefit of Rails monolith
 framework and how it ends up being a single deployed distributed system.
[00:10:11] From the, "Nate, please make this a gem file," Nate talks
 about his layered cache he added to CodeFund which IMMENSELY sped up
 average response time on the server side well below the 100ms, half of
 what it was before. Nate goes into details how he did it. Kind of neat!
 Andrew is flexing hard!
[00:12:09] Andrew brings up the news of GitHub buying out JavaScript
 developer platform, NPM. Microsoft is again strengthening its hold on
 Open Source. Is this a positive thing?
[00:16:05] Coronavirus has caused a lot of other businesses to make
 their employees work at home. At Dev's, quite a few of us already have
 been in that world for years. Haven't we been training for this our
 whole lives? Ron's current job has had him working out of the office and
 now transitioned to home. He discusses how that is going. Did his
 company have a plan in place? Using remote tools like Tuple to stay
 connected with the team, and (ugh) email. Nate brings up's new
 email client.
[00:20:06] Like a lot of us, Andrew has a lot of unread emails. How
 many? Find out. Andrew you are NOT alone. The guys go in-depth on email
 clients and apps.
[00:26:27] How do you get in the "deep creative work" zone especially
 if you have meetings and other things interrupting your day? Do you
 block off time like Ron? Do you just work late at night? Are you like
 Nate and use 5 minutes of music to get you in the zone?
[00:33:03] Things that interrupt or even help you procrastinate
 getting into the deep work. Find out the one thing they shut off to stop
 the interruption.
[00:35:35] Social distancing is causing lots of people to be out of
 work. The boys talk about things they've been doing to help out
 businesses near them, as well as stories in the news they've read.
[00:44:24] Andrew tells Ron and Nate about the GitHub Actions
 Hackathon going on right now. Andrew has submitted, have you?
[00:47:39] Andrew's timing is amazing. He really didn't want to do the
 Ruby Meetup initially, but now with things like RailsConf getting
 cancelled & COVID-19...he "may" be all in now?! Stay tuned to the
 podcast for news on this.

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The Ruby Blend is a Ruby focused podcast bringing you panel discussions, guest interviews, and much more to keep you up to date on what’s happening in the Ruby development community mixed with sprinkles from other developer communities.