Alternative Power Plays

While it’s not new, fusion energy generation has long seemed a little too out of reach to be commercially practical. That is, until now.
On this episode, Alan Seltzer and Frank Graves welcome Andrew Holland, Chief Executive Officer of the Fusion Industry Association.
The Fusion Industry Association is a non-profit organization made up of private companies working to make commercial fusion energy a reality through advocacy and education. FIA is driven by a belief that affordable, clean energy is desperately needed in the world, and that fusion power is a viable solution.
The episode gets into how fusion energy works in its many forms, where it’s at in the development process, how companies can join the Association, and dispels some common myths about the technology.
For more information on the Fusion Industry Association, visit
To read more about Alan Seltzer, visit:⁠. To read more about Frank Graves, visit:

Show Notes

While it’s not new, fusion energy generation has long seemed a little too out of reach to be commercially practical. That is, until now.

On this episode, Alan Seltzer and Frank Graves welcome Andrew Holland, Chief Executive Officer of the Fusion Industry Association.

The Fusion Industry Association is a non-profit organization made up of private companies working to make commercial fusion energy a reality through advocacy and education. FIA is driven by a belief that affordable, clean energy is desperately needed in the world, and that fusion power is a viable solution.

The episode gets into how fusion energy works in its many forms, where it’s at in the development process, how companies can join the Association, and dispels some common myths about the technology.

For more information on the Fusion Industry Association, visit

To read more about Alan Seltzer, visit:⁠. To read more about Frank Graves, visit:

What is Alternative Power Plays?

Alternative Power Plays is a podcast that explores the latest trends and innovations in energy generation. The podcast is hosted by Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney attorneys and experts, Alan Seltzer and John Povilaitis, along with financing experts at the Brattle Group. Each episode features insightful interviews with industry leaders, innovators, and policymakers who are shaping the future of alternative energy.

Tune into to Alternative Power Plays to hear frank conversations about new energy technologies and how facilities, municipalities and more can prepare for the next generation…of energy