Vision Forward with Stephen Schlabach

Join us as we explore the art of consideration – the thoughtful and kind attention to the needs, wishes, and feelings of others. In this episode, we uncover the essence of being considerate and offer practical tips for incorporating this virtue into our daily lives. From being people-conscious to embracing the golden rule, we delve into actionable steps to enhance our consideration towards others. Drawing wisdom from Romans 12:10, we are reminded to love one another with genuine affection and to take delight in honoring each other. By practicing consideration, we not only spread human dignity but also reflect the goodness of God in our interactions. Tune in to be inspired to move forward with purpose, vision, and a heart brimming with consideration. And always remember to be the light that illuminates the path for others.

What is Vision Forward with Stephen Schlabach?

A daily dose of Inspiration, Vision and Strategy. A short listen that is sure to encourage you to move your vision forward.