Song Cycle

You know how you have that one friend who seems to be able to do it all? That's Myra Huang. When she's not busy working with the next generation of opera stars at The Metropolitan Opera's Lindemann Young Artist Development Program, coaching at Manhattan School of Music,  or running the show at the Aspen Opera Theater as director of musical administration and head coach, you can find her on recital stages throughout the world with the greatest artists of our generation. Get to know this consummate artist right here!

Song Cycle is a production of Cincinnati Song Initiative. You can learn more about its network of podcasts at

Creators & Guests

Samuel Martin
Song Cycle Host
Myra Huang
Pianist & Coach

What is Song Cycle?

This is Song Cycle, where we gab with cool people who bring their innovative ideas and projects to life to contribute to a more vibrant society through song. Join the conversation!