Master Your PhD

How is our mental well-being related to what we eat? Conversation between graduate
students from McGill with Dr. Bonnie Kaplan.

Show Notes

Many of us experienced changes in our eating habits during the pandemic. To better understand the impact of what we eat on our body, specially on our brain, we invited Dr. Bonnie Kaplan, co-author of The Better BrainAre you interested to lean how to boost your mental health resilience in a short period of time? Pay attention to what you eat & Play!

What is Master Your PhD?

To an outsider, the world of academia seems utopian, the ivory tower, and definitely a place less stressful than the « real world » where the rest of us live and work.

Statistics show that 1 out of every 5 students or 20 per cent of the student population, at one time or another, experience some form of mental health illness, whether it be stress related, depression, anxiety or what have you. One thing for sure, if you do suffer, you are not alone. And more importantly, there are places where you can find people ready to listen. People ready to share.

Which brings us back to our Podcast and Nurau.

Nurau is a new-age platform that deals exclusively with mental health information and support, our underlying mission is to de-stigmatize the negative attitudes associated with mental health. So people who suffer and those around them can understand that mental illness is like any other physical illness, in that it can afflict anyone at any age and from every walk of life.

Partnered with our friends over at the les Fonds National de Recherche, our Podcasts will feature interviews with people like us- who will share intimate details of how they dealt with their different mental health issues. And hopefully they will shed light on a topic that up to now has been kept in the dark because of shame and ignorance.