Café Connect

Café Connect Trailer Bonus Episode 11 Season 1

Walking towards Health and Happiness in Later Life


We discuss the benefits of walking and how walking groups such as Grampian 50+ Network can have a positive impact on the physical and mental health of older people. We will also look at how the social aspect of walking has been affected by Covid-19 lock down rules.

Show Notes

Transcript for this episode is available online, here.

Speakers: Dr Kathryn Martin (Lecturer at the Institute of Applied Health Sciences, University of Aberdeen) and Marjory D’Arcy (Chair of Grampian 50+ Network).

We discuss the benefits of walking and how walking groups such as Grampian 50+ Network can have a positive impact on the physical and mental health of older people. We will also look at how the social aspect of walking has been affected by Covid-19 lock down rules.

What is Café Connect?

Café Connect brings you the latest research from the University of Aberdeen. In this podcast series, we meet different researchers who will talk about their work and its relevance to our everyday lives.