Forces That Move Us

Hop on the plane to Ecuador with National Geographic Explorer, Tilden Remerleitch. Meet the people and challenges she will face to eventually discover simple truths about adversity and resilience.

Show Notes

Show Notes:

Check out Tilden’s previous podcast-Grounded: Stories of Refugee Resettlement in Vermont:

- Meadow By Density & Time
- So Long Analog By Noir Et Blanc Vie
- Peguche and Churay Para los Yarina By Alex Alvear
-Caer By Sr. Maniqui
-2 Mosaico de El mendigo, Soy del Carchi, Chulla Quiteno By Milton Conde
- Andarele By La Agrupacion de Petitas Palma

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What is Forces That Move Us?

Innovative bamboo houses. Amazonian indigenous spirits. Glacier melt igloos. Travel to Ecuador with National Geographic Explorer, Tilden Remerleitch and learn about global displacement. Hear the experiences of ordinary people who have lost their home due to environmental factors beyond their control: from earthquakes, extractive industries, and climate change. Each chapter is available in both English or Spanish.