Unkown. Unnamed. Nonsense.

Unkown. Unnamed. Nonsense. Trailer Bonus Episode 85 Season 1

Is Self-Segregation Bad?

Is Self-Segregation Bad?Is Self-Segregation Bad?


This clip was taken from TWT 35: My Friend Rickie. Student Loans. The Color Purple.

Across college campuses in the US black students would prefer to dorm with other black students due to the fact that they feel uncomfortable dorming with white students. So that leaves Christianand I to ask a few questions. Is this segregation and how does it compare to the 1960s when white students were saying the exact same thing.

Show Notes

Across college campuses in the US  black students would prefer to dorm with other black students due to the fact that they feel uncomfortable dorming with white students. So that leaves Christianand I to ask a few questions. Is this segregation and how does it compare to the 1960s when white students were saying the exact same thing. 

Listen to the full podcast here

Watch the full episode here

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Welcome to the world of UNKNOWN. UNNAMED. NONSENSE., where we revel in the delightfully absurd. Here's the rundown:

Our podcast revolves around a ceaseless stream of eclectic inquiries that we tackle, ponder over, or argue about. These queries could pertain to the latest news, stimulate deep thought, initiate a guessing challenge, or simply be born out of spontaneity. We might be considering "What's the origin of the term 'goosebumps'?" one moment, and debating "Should we eradicate student debt?" the next. There are no boundaries to the questions we explore.

Fancy contributing your own burning questions or joining us as a guest? Just drop an email to willytproductionsinfo@gmail.com. Let's dive into the nonsensical together!