((A Perfect Union))™ Podcast

What makes "ideology" and "Ideologizing" Humanly and Rationally pernicious? Why are "Ideologizing", "Opinionism", "Cultism" and "Tribalism" co-rooted in the same deeply entrenched mental malware?

Show Notes

The still dominant  "mind operating process" in our USA culture (and, of course, around the Globe) remains alienated and dys-connected from our Primal Logos, The Global LIght of Reason.  This is a call to all Rational Beings (LogoSapiens) across our Sacred Planet.  Until we in our USA Holy Experiment zoom out sufficiently to face the deeply embedded malware in our culture we shall continue to face grave dangers of radical cultural implosion.  This is our UnFinished American R-Evolution.

What is ((A Perfect Union))™ Podcast?

Pioneering the way to ((We The People)).