Antioch Dallas - Sermon Podcast

Jesus teaches us that prayer is not just a personal act, but that we are also to pray for others. In this message, we learn from the way of Jesus in praying for others, understanding God's agenda in praying for others, and an invitation to a front row seat in seeing God move in power through prayer.

Show Notes

Jesus teaches us that prayer is not just a personal act, but that we are also to pray for others.

In this message, we learn from the way of Jesus in praying for others, understanding God's agenda in praying for others, and an invitation to a front row seat in seeing God move in power through prayer.

What is Antioch Dallas - Sermon Podcast?

We are a church to help people like you and me experience Jesus. Thank you for listening to our podcast. We hope it inspires you in your faith, encourages you, and empowers you in your calling.