A Short Walk through Our Long History

So what made it golden? What made it a classic? Well, there were two ascendent cities during this time, Athens and Sparta. They both were incredibly prosperous, and both laid claim to be the leading city in Greece. They fought several times during this period, and we’ll talk about those battles in the next episode. But what really made this time period unique was all of the stuff going on in Athens during this time. So the Golden Age of Greece is really a mostly Athenian thing, even though Sparta was doing very well during this time also. But all the ‘golden’ stuff came from Athens.

What is A Short Walk through Our Long History?

I think that if you want to understand the world we live in today, it helps to understand the important events of history. In this series, we are going to look at major events, people, documents, places, books, and ideas that have shaped history, and thus shaped our modern world.