NNSW Prayer Conference Podcast

In this episode of the NNSW Prayer Conference 2023 podcast, Laura shares a story about a friend who had to leave her cat behind in a flood. Lin flooded for the cat's safety and for her friend to find comfort in a Bible she had given her.

Despite her friend's house being devastated by the flood, she found the coffee table with the Bible still intact without a drop of water when she returned. This was seen as a miraculous sign, and the friend started reading the Bible.

Laura's story is a testament to the power of prayer and faith in the face of durations. She asks for prayers for her friend and persevering prayer.

Join us in listening to this episode and be inspired by Laura's story of how God provided comfort and a sign of hope to her friend amid a challenging situation. Let her story encourage you to trust in the power of prayer and persevere in your those in need.

What is NNSW Prayer Conference Podcast?

Welcome to the NNSW Prayer Conference podcast channel, where we bring you powerful messages, uplifting worship, and sweet fellowship from this incredible event.