Retro Late Fee

Good Will Hunting is a 1997 American psychological drama film directed by Gus Van Sant, and written by Ben Affleck and Matt Damon. The film stars Robin Williams, Damon, Affleck, Minnie Driver, and Stellan Skarsgård.

Good Will Hunting received positive reviews from critics and grossed over $225 million during its theatrical run against a $10 million budget. At the 70th Academy Awards, it received nominations in nine categories, including Best Picture and Best Director, and won in two: Best Supporting Actor for Williams and Best Original Screenplay for Affleck and Damon. In 2014, it was ranked at number 53 in The Hollywood Reporter's "100 Favorite Films" list.

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What is Retro Late Fee?

25 years ago, Mark and Carol recorded their thoughts on movies and entertainment news. Now it’s a podcast! Retro Late Fee, the latest in entertainment from 25 years ago!