Real Perspectives Podcast

Welcome to The Real Perspectives Podcast, where we dive deep into the dynamics of real estate, uncovering the trends, technologies, and talents shaping the future of this ever-evolving industry. I'm your host, Vladimir Bosanac, co-founder and publisher of The Registry.

In today's episode, we have the pleasure of hosting a truly remarkable guest, Sarah Liu, a key figure at Fifth Wall, the largest venture capital firm focused on the global real estate technology landscape. Sarah's work is at the intersection of innovation and real estate, guiding the industry into new territories with strategic investments and partnerships that are not just transforming buildings and spaces but also redefining how we interact with our physical world.

Sarah's journey in the world of tech and real estate is both inspiring and instructive. With a keen eye for groundbreaking solutions and a deep understanding of the market's needs, she has been instrumental in nurturing startups that aim to revolutionize everything from construction and design to property management and smart home technologies.

So, whether you're a real estate professional, a tech enthusiast, or just curious about the spaces we inhabit, stay tuned. This conversation with Sarah Liu is bound to enlighten, inform, and inspire. Let’s get started.

What is Real Perspectives Podcast?

Exploring commercial real estate topics across the West Coast of the US, and sometimes the world!